Best Buy

How to sell on Best Buy USA

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Best Buy is one of the most popular online retail platforms when it comes to all tech items, from cellphones and gaming consoles to appliances, and much more. But, what are the consumers’ footprints when it comes to choosing to buy from here, be it their age, location, or gender? 

Let’s learn about the Best Buy USA target market first and then move on to how to sell your products on this platform.

  • Best Buy targets Millennials or those between the ages of 21 and 40.
  • Men make up a large percentage of Best Buy customers, so the company focuses more on women.
  • Black Friday and Christmas are two of the most popular shopping times at Best Buy.
  • As of 2022, Best Buy operates over a thousand stores worldwide. The majority of Best Buy’s revenues are generated in the U.S.

Source: Statista, Best Buy

Popular Product Categories to sell on Best Buy:

  • TV & Home Theater
  • Cameras, Camcorders & Drones
  • Home Appliances
  • Computers & Tablets
  • Home & Office Furniture
  • Musical Instruments
  • Video Games
  • Health, Fitness & Personal Care
  • Wearable Technology
  • Car Electronics & GPS
  • Cell Phones
  • Toys, Games & Collectibles, and more

How to sell on Best Buy USA?

1. Get the Marketplace approval

Selling on Best Buy requires approval. If you click on the link, you can submit an approval request, which will be processed within a few days by Best Buy Support. The seller account information will be sent to you if the request is approved. In addition to the Marketplace interface, Best Buy offers API-based integration. It provides details on how to integrate stores with Best Buy via API.

Here are a few tips to get the Marketplace approval

Best Buy USA marketplace approval

2. Follow the Code of Conduct

To sell on Best Buy, you must follow e-waste laws, AKA EPR laws (Extender producer Laws). Under this law, you’ll be required to recycle no matter what you sell. You’ll be required to recycle your electronic items if you’re a manufacturer.

3. Store setup

Once the registration is complete, and you have received confirmation from the BestBuy CA team, proceed with store setup. Update shipping detail, payment details, etc.

4. Start listing your products and make your page retail-ready

Checklist to sell on Best Buy USA

(a) Start with adding images

On their product pages alone,  You can add up to eight or more photos along with videos as well. Utilize all the slots of images by showcasing all your feature of the products since users rely on images to make purchase decisions.

(B) Optimize Title

It is the first thing a customer sees on your product page. So it should concisely explain what your product is and not what it does (keep that for product overview). Don’t just stuff keywords – too long, confusing, and poorly formatted titles can jeopardize the sale. Bad titles don’t just turn off the shoppers but might also reduce the relevance of the product.

Here are a few tips:

  • The first few characters of the title are very important (for mobiles shoppers)
  • Include a unique product feature in the first 80 characters
  • Capitalize the first letter of every word except conjunctions
  • Write packaging or any other important information right after the root keyword
  • Do not use ALL CAPS
  • Spell the measurements (e.g., inches and not “)

(c) Keep your product overview and features concise

Product overviews are essential for highlighting your brand story and ethics. This is your chance to describe everything about the customer’s problem and how your product is their ideal solution. Include a bit of storytelling and craft a compelling description that will connect with the buyer’s feelings. It is recommended to keep the description keyword optimized but try to make them sound natural.

(d) Informative Brand Comparison Charts to Shorten the Path to Purchase

The comparison charts focus on descriptive, informative content that simplifies technical information and helps consumers better understand features, benefits, and terminology across similar products. In addition to reducing the path to purchase, it also provides value to the customer, increases sales, and reduces returns.

5.  Upload Your Offers

BestBuy stores require you to upload inventory and prices, which are collectively referred to as ‘offers.’ While this process can be done manually, it is highly recommended that you automate it by integrating your data directly into the Best Buy Marketplace.

6. Start promoting your products

The two best way to promote your products is via being a part of top deals and deal of the day. These are proven methods to shoot up your sales. As per Best Buy, sellers were able to see 10X visibility and 4X revenue growth after being featured on the deal of the day page.

7. How to grow on Best Buy Marketplace

Once you are on the platform and you start seeing some traction, you are getting some sales, and the algorithm knows you, the algorithm has categorized you that you are good at selling so they can recommend your products to potential buyers. There is a constellation of specific activities that you need to undertake if you want to grow, listed below:

  • Keep on optimizing for the Best Buy search
  • Provide stellar customer service
  • Offer exceptional deals and loyalty discounts
Sell on Best Buy USA

8. Participate in the vendor direct fulfillment program

Participating in the VDF program will benefit from the additional skills in current categories as well as your categories outside the traditional consumer electronics products not previously sold by Best Buy. So the exposure provided is enormous, along with the benefit of outsourcing everything. Now there is a cost that oscillates between $40 to $400 to be set up as presented on the platform, but that’s manageable; you can quickly amortize it

9. Utilize the New Best Buy Ads

With Best Buy’s launch of its in-house media company in 2022, the electronics retailer formalizes its advertising offerings amid an increase in retail media advertising, which eMarketer estimates will reach $41.37 billion by 2022.

As consumers adapt to increasingly tech-driven lives, the company says it has 3 billion interactions with customers each year, giving it access to a wealth of consumer data.

Listed below are types of Ads to promote your products for extensive reach.

Best Buy Search Ads: Search Ads help reach highly engaged and motivated shoppers. Take your brand to the front of the line with personalized ads using paid search, or use sponsored products on to turn interest into sales.

Best Buy Display Ads: You can tell your brand’s story through eye-catching visuals. Promote your products using an onsite display on to stay top-of-mind. With an offsite display, you can continue the conversation offsite and reach the right customer.

 Best Buy Video Ads: Build memorable and informative brand experiences. Your brand can leverage our onsite video to engage customers and help them learn, discover, and shop more effectively. Connect your brand to customers who are spending more time watching videos offsite and engage them in your brand.

Best Buy Social Ads:  Advertising on social media reaches consumers on platforms where they discover, share, and get inspired. Utilize Facebook and Instagram campaigns to reach engaged communities.

Bottom Line

Selling on Best Buy isn’t just about launching your business; it’s about establishing your presence in the popular marketplace to reach its vast consumer base. The process to sell on Best Buy is easy, given that you follow all the necessary requirements and guidelines by the platform.

Paxcom has worked with some of the top companies globally to help them realize their online retail potential. As you move forward with selling on Best Buy USA, our team can help you with eCommerce promotion management, content and design, building brand shops, eCommerce advertising, and custom data analytics, all of which brands in this region use to increase sales and reach.

We can assist with more details at –

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