Paxcom's expertise on Amazon Marketing services

Top tips to get Amazon Best Seller Badge

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Amazon is the most preferred platform for shopping. But, did you know that more than 4000 items are sold per minute? It suggests that there are millions of buyers looking for products. Take a look at this stat: As of April 2019, 119,928,851 products were listed on this popular and populous platform. Competition is stiff; whenever a user searches for one product, multiple versions of that ‘one product’ are immediately available.

If you are here and reading this blog, chances are you want to become a bestseller on Amazon. I am not talking about, “Oh, I hope my product sells a lot.” I am talking about, “I want to sell 500 of the product in the first few days.

Some say Amazon’s Best Seller is the Holy Grail of marketing products. If you have been on the hunt for the ‘easiest way to get a lot of sales,’ You will know that this badge is THE ONE thing every seller wants. It may be difficult to obtain, but it’s not impossible with the proper strategy and Amazon Marketing Services.

What is the Best seller Badge?

Best seller badge is a seal of approval to showcase the brand is doing well in terms of sale

The Amazon bestseller badge is a seal of approval in the form of an orange-like ribbon that you can see on the product’s product detail page. It means that this product is one of the top 100 products sold by this vendor, and it has been selling well in terms of its category.

Having the badge means more impressions, an increase in ranking, and conversions. Also, it helps build the credibility of the product and a strong front brand image in front of the customers.

How does the Best Seller Rank works?

The Bestseller ranking is updated every hour to convey to brands where their products rank relative to the other products within the same category or category nodes (sub-category). The Best Seller works on ranking, i.e., the higher your rank= more sales, which fluctuates on an hourly basis. So the best seller rank is constantly reassessed, and that’s why you will often see products that have just launched on Amazon who had agood launch strategy suddenly getting the Best Seller Badge because that is a measure of how many sales they are making relative to the other competitors within that same category node.

How is Best Seller Rank calculated?

Calculation of Best Seller Rank to understand Amazon ranking system

Although there is no given formula or nice math equation that Amazon offers sellers, with Paxcom’s years of experience, we have figured out the various ways that indirectly help to get the Best Seller Badge.

Amazon’s best seller ranking is determined by order and by unit; this implies that one demand for 1000 units is classed as one order and will have the same BSR impact as only one unit of a similar product. Each category has its own sales, and Amazon compares products in the same category with each other.

Grouping all variants and sizes will also increase the chance of getting the best seller:- Amazon is taking a collective approach across parent ASIN rather than the individual ASIN. Now, an item BSR combines the sales velocity of all child ASINs into a family variation.

In its simplest form, you can think of your Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) as representing how often a product was purchased divided by how often it was viewed.

How to discover Amazon’s Best Seller Sales Rank?

Whether a shopper or an Amazon seller, anyone can view the BSR for each product they search for on Amazon. Go to Amazon’s product page and scroll down to the product details section of the page for the item you want to check the BSR of. This should be changed to ‘product information’. If you’re using a mobile device, click on it to find the BSR.

The “best sellers rank” data should be visible in the first column of the product information. In addition, a BSR number and the product category should be included in the product details. The Amazon Best Seller Rank for the book ‘Ikigai’ is ranking #4, and also it is the Best Seller in the  Self-Esteem (Books),#1 in Society & Social Sciences,#1 in Meditation (Books).

Image of how Best Seller data is visibile on product detail page

Factors that impact Amazon’s Best Seller Rank

Seasonal products usually have a negative impact, as BSR works on sales velocity. However, if that product category is seasonal, you might see a significant loss in terms of sales. Even though the older product has many historical accounts and additive sales, Amazon predicts that the new product will probably surpass the older product. As a seller, you will need to have consistency regardless of the periodical fluctuations.

Since we have covered all the basics, let’s take a look at the ranking features;

Top tips to get an Amazon Best Seller Badge

1. Categorize your products correctly

As I stated earlier, Amazon’s bestseller works in category and sub-category nodes. Putting emphasis on Category.’

There are millions of users whose search begins on Amazon, but imagine if the product is listed in the wrong category. It will hamper not only the sales but also the chance of organic visibility and discoverability.

Let’s look at Category options of Women’s clothing to clarify why it is vital to classify products correctly.

Browse 1 : Clothing, clothing & accessories > Sports wear > Women > Athletic socks> Running

Browse 2: Clothing, clothing & accessories > Women > Socks

You can see the clear difference between browse 1 & 2; both are technically not wrong, but browse 1 is categorized and subcategorized in a targeted manner for the customers to find the “product” easily. Hence, it offers you a chance to climb the ladder of ranking and relevance.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research aims to help customers find your product when they are searching for that particular product. Keywords help in defining the product, its category, and information. It also allows you to see the competition data for the keywords and offers support for your optimization process.

There are various types of keywords which include product terms, competitor terms, and audience terms. Base your research on these terms.

According to 99 firms, about 50% of users search for long-tail keywords (more than 2 words). They make up half of the Amazon searches, so it’s highly important to choose a combination of keywords, i.e., long-tail and short-tail (one or two words).

Perform competitor analysis to learn which keywords rank better and which ones could be of value to you. Then, with the right keywords, you can tap into an almost limitless pool of potential customers and make sales by reaching out to them at the right time.

Ideal consists of high search volume, low competition, and relevancy to the product and its category

3. Optimized Product listing

Amazon has millions of products listed on the platform, proper optimization of the listing page (Amazon’s catalog) can help you increase traffic and sales.

Product listing optimization helps with showcasing the information in a correct manner to build connection and increase conversion

Let’s go through the attributes;

After analyzing the keywords, create an attention-grabbing product title. It is essential to include as many relevant keywords as you can in the title and include all the necessary information: Brand name, Product Name, Category, Grammage.

While writing a product description, always provide factual information and paint a clear image in your customers’ minds. It should call out all the main features stuffed with keywords in a creative form to allure them.

Bullet points come in 5 highlighted forms. Each point conveys the benefits of the feature to enhance readability and enables the buyer’s decision-making process.

Including A+ content provides an opportunity for sellers to showcase their brand and product journey with a combination of visuals and text for engagement. As a result, sellers usually get benefits in the form of high conversion, reduced return rate, and an increase in good reviews.

Optimize images: When we break down the product page structure, the primary image dominates the page, and this is the first thing a customer sees, which becomes essential for conversion and engagement. Consider using high-quality mobile-optimized photos to maximize the zoom feature. Also, include multiple viewing angles and consumption shots to bring forth product awareness.

Creating a brand store allows customers to see the brand’s journey. The platforms are flooded with products. It offers them a chance to stand out from the competition. They can link sponsored ads to the brand store to boost conversion. Including banners and creative templates lets you build a connection with customers.

4. Maintain Competitive Pricing

Monitor your competitors’ pricing strategies and then come up with a counter-strategy that matches your business goal. Then, review them regularly and compare your pricing to their offerings.

Competitive pricing strategy to stand out from the competition

There are various ways to take advantage of competitive pricing:

❏     Don’t always set the price lower than your rivals. It might come out as that your product is not of good quality and less attractive. But instead, maintain the range within the shopper’s spending budget by tracking how much a user is willing to pay for that ‘specific’ product.

❏     Setting a price higher than your competitors can be considered as an option if you offer extra features and mention your differentiation point in the product listing.

❏     Check your competitor’s pricing history and discover how the prices have been modified over time. Don’t just rely on the current trending price.

❏     Sellers have a complete advantage over brand positioning, and it lets them to avoid the time it takes to experiment with A/B pricing testing and helps achieve sales equilibrium.

92% of customers resort to comparing the price while shopping. Competitive pricing has been proven to attract more customers, which indirectly improves the ranking and sales. Paxcom offers competitor profiling and discount report with the help of its Kinator software to understand the operational landscape of Amazon Marketplace.

5. Monitoring  the Amazon Account health

Amazon account health page to remain in compliance with Amazon standards

    Source: Daytodayebay

Amazon account health is the metric that measures the overall performance of the seller’s account—keeping your Amazon account healthy means keeping track of all your shipments, payments, and customer information. You can do this by tracking purchase orders,inventory, sales reports, and more.

Some of the essentials to maintain the account;

  • Always check your product quality by doing a stringent review of the product.
  • Re-check listing information-proofread and check the accuracy of content to avoid any downfalls.
  • Customer service support-Listen to your buyers and rectify the complaints.
  • Keep a check on your shipping and order performance-always comply with the demands.

Keep on evaluating your account’s performance to have a strong presence on Amazon. This will help you to make the best decisions for your business and prevent account suspension.

6. Shipping Speed

With so many other sellers trying to sell the same products as yours, it almost seems impossible for your products to have a distinctive market position. But you can boost sales by offering fast shipping services- a product that is delivered in two days or less.

Free shipping services also help to generate brand loyalty, and shoppers are more likely to purchase from you.

Some quick facts by SaleCycle on Amazon shipping:

  • 63% of consumers consider delivery speed to be an influencing factor while shopping.
  • 77% are willing to pay for accelerated shipping.
  • 41% of buyers order the item when a seller provides same-day delivery.

With these facts, it proves that having ideal and genuine shipping standards help in conversions. To avoid manual work, sellers can choose the Amazon FBA model. It works as an aid for shipping management- takes care of all the hassle involved in shipping a product, including packaging, tracking, labeling, and delivery. 

7. Take advantage of Amazon Marketing Services

Amazon Marketing Services is a group of integrated ad and promotion solutions that include Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads, and let brands tap into the most valuable place for discovery, purchase, and customer service.

Amazon Marketing Services: Unique advertising solution to promote products

A PPC campaign lets you create ad campaigns that are more relevant to the customer’s search query, i.e., by targeting keywords manually or automatically. The product feed can be used to get the product in front of customers in real-time at the right price point. Thus, it helps you stay ahead of the competition.

As a seller to get BSR, your goal metric is to drive sales and select the right products to advertise. Then, continuously optimize and experiment with the different ad types, keywords, and content. There are constantly new updates on Amazon. Be flexible with your strategies and open to improvisation.

Quick steps to create an Ad campaign;

  • Select the product to advertise
  • Set your spending budget
  • Select the keywords you want to target by monitoring the competitors
  • Create a call to action ad copy (Concise product information with high definition images)

Some of the leading benefits sellers get out of using Amazon Marketing Services are:

  • Amazon has thousands of shoppers visiting platforms every day, with keeping this in mind you can entice more customers with creative ad campaigns.
  • Improves visibility and helps in ROI & sales history
  • It makes it easy to track results for making data-backed decisions
  • Amazon advertising is proliferating to keep up with the pace and understand how Amazon Marketing services work.

8. Seller Reviews

Amazon seller reviews are an essential element of your product page. They provide helpful insight into the quality of products and services on Amazon. It helps potential customers make an informed decision and choose the right product for their needs and also allows sellers to establish credibility.

Shopper rely on ratings and reviews during their purchase to make informed decision

It’s essential to monitor these reviews regularly and respond quickly to any negative comments so that you can gain the trust of new customers and keep existing customers happy. Products with higher ratings primarily sell better. The product with 4+ stars has more chances to get on the first page of search results.

9. Inculcating Promotions and Deals in your selling strategy

Deals and promotions to build customer loyalty

Everything is going under digital transformation, but one thing that is here to stay is the consumer’s emotional connection with discounts and coupons. This psychological strategy works like a charm most of the time.

In a survey by RetailMeNot, it was observed that 60% of users made their purchases solely based on the deals and promotions. 4 out of 5 buyers made first-time purchases from a new brand because of lightning deals.

While offering deals, not only do brands see an increase in sales, but it also helps move the inventory, visibility, maintain the profit margin, and boost organic ranking.

These tips will help grab the “Buy Box” for the seller, which indirectly helps to achieve the Best Seller badge.

Benefits of having a Best Seller Badge

64% of shoppers tend to only browse two pages of Amazon, but with having a Best Seller Badge, the chances of a product listing appearing in top search results are higher. This ultimately increases your conversion rate.

Having this badge increases brand legitimacy. It shows that Amazon is vouching for your product and enables informed decision-making. It will, in turn, make a customer loyal to your brand.

It also acts as a social proof indicator of a product’s sales and quality.

Final thoughts

Many sellers wonder whether or not it helps to have a best seller badge on your Amazon listing. The answer is: yes, it does help. However, the most important thing is to have a strong basis for your product. Remember to follow the tips outlined in the blog, and you’ll have a good shot at earning your badge in no time.

Key takeaways from the blog:

● Fill out your product listing with as many relevant keywords

● Strategize marketing services and advertising solutions properly. You can also hire a dedicated agency to help you with maintaining & managing your Ad campaigns.

●  Maintain your account health for ease in shipment and inventory

● Offer customer an excellent service support

And remember, more sales=higher ranking=more sales

Paxcom's expert tips and solutions towards Amazon Marketing Services and Best Seller Badge

Paxcom’s Contribution towards Best Seller Badge 

Paxcom has a team of eCommerce experts who have expertise in handling a multitude of sellers in different product categories. They follow a holistic approach towards Amazon Marketing Services, from creating optimized content, product listings, to ad campaigns, and supporting brands with Amazon Advertising, Vendor Central, Seller Central, and Catalogue Management with the use of Kinator software.

The solution offered by our analysts for achieving the best seller badge is a complete content audit, a checklist of all necessary and significant content components-whether those fall under Amazon compliance or not, and sharing a glimpse of industry standards, i.e., to assist sellers in discounting competitively.

Drop us an email at for more information on the Amazon Best Seller Badge and Amazon Marketing Services.

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