e commerce marketing plan

eCommerce technology

Top 6 Ways to Streamline eCommerce Operations using Technology

Imagine you are an eCommerce business owner struggling on the technological front for recording and registering data related to inventory, warehouses, sales, conversions, clicks, communicating with customers, tracking shipments, conducting in-depth analysis, etc. If this is the case, you might be bearing the blow of higher costs, lags in operations, higher downtime, high-paid human resources, …

Top 6 Ways to Streamline eCommerce Operations using Technology Read More »

e-commerce sentiment analysis

How Sentiment Analysis can improve customer experience in E-commerce?

Over the years, the e-commerce industry has seen many changes. But one thing that has stayed constant is customers’ reviews and ratings of products. A study by Zendesk stated that online reviews and ratings have the biggest influence on buying decisions today. One-third of shoppers spend more than three hours a week reading online reviews, …

How Sentiment Analysis can improve customer experience in E-commerce? Read More »

Southeast ASIA 12.12 event

Top E-commerce strategies for southeast Asia’s 12.12 event

Despite the back-to-back events taking place in the months of October and November, you may be mistaken in thinking that the November shopping shindig is over. But, as a seller, you know that the big finish is yet to come. That’s right; we are talking about the last hoorah of the year-end eCommerce sales event, …

Top E-commerce strategies for southeast Asia’s 12.12 event Read More »

Product photography

Beginners’ guide to eCommerce product photography

eCommerce product photography is an important aspect of the eCommerce environment. A good product image can capture the interest of the customer and convince them to make the purchase. However, if the image is bad, it can lead to the complete opposite result. Besides the overall design of your eCommerce site/ product page, the quality …

Beginners’ guide to eCommerce product photography Read More »

eCommerce pricing strategy

eCommerce pricing strategy: 5 ways to drive online sales

The emergence of e-commerce has changed the way we shop. The days of physically going to a store and buying an item are long gone- now, all you require is access to a smartphone or laptop. Online shopping is growing exponentially, as are the products available online. To ensure your distinct mark and generate revenue, …

eCommerce pricing strategy: 5 ways to drive online sales Read More »