Importance of Designing in eCommerce

Role & Importance of Designing in eCommerce

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Technology has infiltrated our lives to a great extent, and it is now slowly creeping into our creative lives as well. The new world desires innovation more than ever now. People expect more creativity in advertisements, pushing new designers to look for new approaches that connect with the audience. Recently trends in brand identity have emerged as companies look for creative ways to visualize their brands.

The goal of all graphic designers is to engage and impress their audiences. Users can leverage these trends to take advantage of the new technologies and meet customers’ desire for surprise designs and products. Combining different techniques can give new digital experiences through reusing old methods and approaches. 

First things first, before we move into designing trends, let’s clear the basics first!

What Is Advertising & Marketing Design?

Advertising design includes print advertising, commercials, billboards, and other out-of-home advertisements. In general, it is a short-term campaign to promote a product or service. Marketing design is used to create a brand identity for your company and may include logo design. It’s essential to know the difference between marketing and advertising designs because each serves a distinct purpose in its own right.

Marketing and design are two sides of the same coin. A great product is not just meant for looks but also functions in a manner that satisfies the user’s needs. Great marketing translates assurance, builds trust, and communicates benefits in an impactful way. Great design enhances the aesthetics and helps form an impactful first impression of a brand’s identity in consumers’ minds.

What importance does digital design hold in eCommerce?

In eCommerce, product images are the first thing that a customer notices. The importance of the design of the product image is high as it directly impacts the conversion rate of your website. Even if you have a great offer, they will not convert if your product image does not make a stunning impression on your customers. With a well-designed shopping cart solution or responsive theme, you can give your potential customers a great first impression and help them convert into regular shoppers for your store.

Apart from the product images, the design also plays a critical part in the whole user experience when you have your own eCommerce website. Take a look at this fact: almost 70% of online shoppers posited that a poorly designed website puts them off, and they would instead purchase from elsewhere, according to Econsultancy. 

To sum up, digital design is not limited to creating websites, logos, and other visuals. It is a broader discipline aimed at enhancing the user experience across multiple touchpoints. It involves developing interactive interfaces that are intuitive and captivating for users.

Let’s take a look at the up and coming popular emerging graphic identity trends

1. Open Compositions

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Image Source: Loris F. Alessandria/Dribble

One of the most popular graphic design trends that are picking up the pace is open composition. Here, we will discuss its opposite, close composition, in order to help you better understand what open composition is. As the name implies, the close composition is a still image where the focal point is neatly framed. The design element of it is intended to draw your eye toward the subject, which is normally at the center or near the picture.

Wherein the idea behind the open composition trend is that your eye should never be allowed to rest. You should always feel like there’s more to see, and you should continue exploring the picture. Whether it’s a landscape or an abstract design, open composition allows you to explore your visual senses by giving them plenty of things to look at. It helps to touch the viewer’s imagination, making them wonder what is going to be there.

2. Minimalistic approach for stronger impact

Minimalism is the art of removing the unnecessary in order to make your message or product stand out. It helps you eliminate all the things that distract people from what you really want them to focus on. We have all heard the saying “less is more.” Uncluttered designs and clean layouts can speak for themselves without needing the extra elements.

Take famous brands, for instance. We see a swoosh sign, and we immediately recognize that it’s “Nike.” The minimal approach works because it gives fewer things to consider and makes it easier to comprehend.

3. Motion Graphics

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Motion graphics is a form of graphic design that uses a sequence of images to create the illusion of movement and/or three-dimensional forms. This process often involves the use of animation, compositing, and video editing to create special effects.

With motion graphics, you can create a story by combining words, images, audio, and video into one seamless whole. Motion graphics are probably the best way to engage your audience. As per the digital media services, multiple brands have seen a 60% increase in adaptation in this area. They are widely used in advertising, promotional campaigns, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This method speeds up the process as it helps engage the viewer at a quicker pace and adds creative flair to the message.

Below is an example of this design:

4. Holographic Design

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Holographic design can be defined as the use of 3D effects to create dimensional imagery that gives the illusion of depth. Although this concept has been around for years, it’s starting to gain popularity as a style in modern graphic design.

This trend is more than just another way of decorating. This new trend is about creating an illusion of 3D objects by using light reflection, shadowing, and diffraction on the surface of products. Propelled by advanced technology and adaptability, your brand will have an impact that can’t be ignored.

5. Hand-drawn

Hand-drawn illustrations look very attractive on the screen. This is why quality illustrations are timeless. There is much more to creating graphics than just sketching them on paper. It includes digital artwork as well, that is made entirely with tools like Photoshop or Illustrator. They provide a unique look, especially when combined with 3D structures, negative space, the double trend, etc.

Bottom Line

Graphic design is an art that requires constant attention to changes in contemporary trends, technology, and consumer expectations. Try not to fixate on one style of composition and instead mix different compositions to create something that complements each other. To get the desired results, you can then examine which designs are most consistent with your brand’s image.

We hope that the trends mentioned above were able to help you with your designing path. If you are still unsure about what fits with your branding, you can connect with our design experts at

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