Amazon Movers and Shakers

The Advantages and Features of Amazon Movers and Shakers

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Amazon produced total net sales of roughly 108.52 billion US dollars in the first quarter of 2021, surpassing 75.45 billion US dollars in the same quarter of 2020, according to Statista. Amazon’s revenue is primarily driven by net product sales. 

The COVID-19 crisis has changed the retail market. With the majority of people cooped up in their houses, online shopping for anything other than groceries has become the norm. But, in this unprecedented period, what are consumers shopping for the most, and how are merchants responding to customers’ needs? 

The easiest way to be successful in the Amazon business is to sell the product that has the highest demand. But which product has the most sales? It is very difficult to find out, especially if you are a new seller, and keeping up with the trend is time-consuming too. But what if there was a way to tell the sellers which products were selling faster and more? Imagine the trend of finding out which product is selling more every hour. Above all, if such a research method is absolutely free, how good will it be for sellers? Yes, there is a free and best method called “Amazon Movers and Shakers.”

What is Amazon Movers And Shakers

This Amazon Method tells you which product’s sales rank improved the most in the last 24 hour period. It’s updated hourly, which means it’s essentially a real-time snapshot of how Amazon customers are acting now. The largest gainers in sales rank during the preceding twenty-four hours are identified as Movers and Shakers. If a book is at rank 5 in Movers & Shakers but was at 15 a day ago, its rank improvement will be 200%.

On the Amazon Movers and Shakers page, one can find top-selling products in every category. At that time, the customer would be searching for the product or buying the product.

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One can see the top trending products in each category, which best-performing business products are running these offers, and compare product offers. One can also adjust the offers and improve products through this (below screenshot for reference). But wait, isn’t this an Amazon Best Seller? Is everything, all the same, precisely the same? But absolutely ‘No “, this is a different pattern.

Amazon best seller

A better definition would be that it highlights the products — separated by category — that have seen the most sales growth in the last 24 hours rather than the total number of sales. So, if Product X sells 200 items every day, Product Y, which sold 30 items in a day, will rank higher on the Movers & Shakers list than Product X, which sold 200 items every day. 

Amazon Movers & Shakers Vs Amazon Best Seller

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Amazon Movers and Shakers is useful for spotting a trending product, which products fell, which products were raised, and how much sales volume was gained compared to overall sales for the month. 

Even if the sales of a product are low, it can come to the top of the Amazon Movers and Shakers page, but it is not necessary that it also top the Amazon Best Seller Page. The product comes in the top rank in Amazon Movers and Shakers when the sales are more than the previous day’s sales. By using both options, you can check the products in your inventory and whether the customer likes them. If you do not have an inventory of these products, then you can add them to your inventory.

How Can A Seller Increase Sales By Using Amazon Movers And Shakers?

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Amazon Movers & Shakers should be included in your market research arsenal on a regular basis. Keep an eye on it and compile a list of any high-performing products that fit into your current inventory. It’s possible you’ll find some quick victories that you can use to grow your product line and make a quick profit, but keep a level mind.

Avoid the temptation to start selling the first item that comes to mind on the first page of results. You’re seeking stability and trends that you can use to improve your bottom line in the long run. Consider the impact of a high-performing product on consumer behavior.

It’s logical to infer that people are getting into art if paints and craft materials are selling well for a week or two. Perhaps they’ve been seeing a new art show on TV that has piqued their interest.

In this situation, it’s too late to jump on the bandwagon and start selling paint and craft papers. But they’ll almost certainly run out of supplies eventually. Get ahead of the game by adding high-quality paints and papers to your inventory.

The television show, for example, wasn’t only for the show’s sake. Always keep in mind your customers’ cultural context; if that TV show is no longer on the air, demand for painting supplies will fall. Fortunately, by keeping an eye on Amazon’s Movers and Shakers, you’ll be in a good position to profit from the next big thing.

How Can You Optimize The Product By Using Amazon Movers And Shakers?

When you’ve found out what the customer wants and have the data dump to back it up, you’ll want to get your product up on Amazon Movers & Shakers as quickly as possible. Because other sellers, like you, must read the page to obtain a product concept, and you must have some advantages to beat them. A competitive advantage might be gained by optimizing your product listing. You must do everything possible to determine why the buyer wants to buy these goods, and the listing must be tailored properly.

  • Create flawless product descriptions with appropriate keywords.
  • Always utilize 3D photos with a high resolution. You are not selling products on eCommerce. You’re utilizing high-resolution photos to market an expectation. As a result, fantastic photos should always be used. Use lifestyle photographs in addition to standard images. Use such types of graphics to demonstrate how to use that product.
  • Select the appropriate category and subcategory for your products—Many sellers make the mistake of selecting the incorrect category or subcategory for their products. If you put your products in the wrong category or sub-category, your business will fail before it ever begins.
  • Encourage customer reviews– encourage customers to leave evaluations for your items so that their organic rankings can rise, but keep in mind that you don’t have to employ any unethical methods. Otherwise, Amazon will penalize you for failing to create reviews.

How To Estimate The Feasibility Of A Product On Movers And Shakers?

When deciding if a product has a possible selling point from the Movers & Shakers page, there are two key factors to consider:

  • Micro view – this is achieved by examining a product’s sales performance over a period of several hours or days. In terms of graphs, the trend must be upward.
  • Macro view – Seeing the more comprehensive view is all it takes. This necessitates zooming out and looking for a pattern. If you observe that baby diapers are doing exceptionally well over a period of time, look into other trends in the baby basics industry. Is there a size or characteristic that frequently strikes out to you? Is there any brand that sells quickly? Maybe some kind of material?

Taking the second strategy prevents you from being fixated on just a few hot Amazon products, allowing you to augment your data with useful trending purchasing patterns. Spend time reading product reviews to learn what customers like and dislike. The customer’s experience is crucial. 
As a result, you must always remember that you do not have to follow the trend; rather, you must create the trend. You can make your mark on Amazon’s Movers and Shakers page if you have high-performing products in your inventory and correctly optimize them. So, if you do your research with care, patience, and foresight, you will be able to identify a high-performing product that you can sell for a profit.

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Best Suited for?

Amazon movers and shakers is very useful in tracking newly launched products/festive launches, as a good sale will lead to the product rising higher up the list. Also, it is instrumental in tracking new competitors in the category. We can estimate whether a competitor is performing better than us depending on its movers and shakers rank.

For more information on Amazon Movers and Shakers, connect with our eCommerce experts at


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